Email List Validation Lifetime Deal for $59
Email List Validation quickly and effectively cleans up your lists to make sure you’re landing in the right inbox.
You’ll get a multi-level verification system to ensure the highest deliverability.
That means that you won’t get penalized (or blacklisted) by email providers for continuing to send messages to invalid addresses.
Plus, Email List Verification is GDPR-compliant and uses a powerful encryption to protect user data.
Verifying emails is now super quick and easy.
Easily verify email addresses to increase deliverability with top-notch encryption to protect your data!
No more copying and pasting email addresses one-by-one into a validation tool.
You’ll be able to quickly clean up your lists using Email List Validation’s bulk email verification tool.
You can upload your lists to the platform, or use CRM integrations to import your lists from there.
It’s perfect for both new, unverified lists and your existing lists to give you maximum deliverability.
Upload your lists or use CRM integrations to verify emails in bulk.
You’ll also get real-time verification to stop bad emails before they get on your lists in the first place.
The real-time verification API lets you filter invalid emails right from the signup boxes.
Once it’s set up, it’ll prompt users to submit a valid email address, instead of letting bad ones slide. (“No more Mr. Nice Email.”)
The API comes in four languages, so it’s easy to customize and fit into your ecosystem.
Use the real-time verification API to filter bad emails straight from the signup boxes!
Email List Validation integrates with all the major marketing services, too.
You can link up with Mailchimp, HubSpot, SendGrid, ActiveCampaign, and many more.
Plus, you’ll be able to generate custom reports that show you what percentage of your emails are actually getting through from your lists.
Integrate with major marketing services, like Mailchimp and HubSpot, to easily verify your lists!
It’s too bad the phrase “Real eyes realize real lies” doesn’t work with emails. (“Is that an acronym or a burner account?”)
Luckily, Email List Validation does exactly what the name implies: cleans your email lists in bulk and prevents bad emails from getting through in the first place.
So make every email count.
Get lifetime access to Email List Validation today!
NEW: No codes, no stacking—just choose the plan that’s right for you!
Clean up all of your email lists to reach the right inbox every time
Quickly clean your email lists to get rid of abandoned and invalid accounts
Alternative to: ZeroBounce and NeverBounce
Use API to verify submitted emails at signup and ask users to resubmit
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