Indexguru Lifetime Deal for $49
Indexguru can index your entire website on Google, boost your rankings, and track site-wide performance in real time.
Hands-free site indexing
Thanks to Indexguru’s Auto Indexing, you’ll be able to index your entire website on Google and other popular search engines without lifting a finger.
Automatically pull new pages from your sitemap and submit them for indexing
Quickly index new product pages, articles, blog posts, and more
Index pages after fixing SEO issues like broken links and missing meta tags
Automatically index new webpages on Google to ensure your content starts ranking ASAP.
Lightning-fast page indexing
Want to speed up the process? Indexguru’s Instant Indexing makes it easy to index new URLs as quickly as possible.
Manually submit a list of URLs that need to be indexed
Immediately index fresh content on Google and other popular search engines
Start attracting relevant search traffic in no time
Instantly index fresh content after submitting a list of un-indexed URLs.
Monitor site-wide performance
Even better, you’ll uncover critical insights into your site’s ranking and opportunities for improvement from the Performance dashboard.
Track site-wide metrics like CTR, rankings, keywords, demographics, clicks, and impressions
Analyze data over custom date ranges to determine which changes impact performance
Indexguru helps you track key metrics affecting your site’s performance on Google.
Resolve page-level issues
Indexguru also lets you run diagnostics on specific URLs to determine what’s tanking your site’s SEO health.
Identify broken links, missing alt text, meta tag errors, and more
Get a detailed explanation and actionable advice for every problem
Run diagnostics on specific pages to resolve issues impacting your SEO performance.
Stop stressing about site indexing! With Indexguru, you can automate the whole process, track site-wide performance, and fix page-level issues.
Start ranking for every webpage.
Get lifetime access to Indexguru today!
Get indexed faster, rank higher, and track your website’s SEO performance
Automatically index your website’s new pages on Google for instant visibility
Monitor performance, keywords, and rankings to optimize your SEO strategy
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